Check out our new & improved API documentation here, complete with request examples, response examples and much more.
GET /products
List / filter a collection of products
URL Parameters
- category Optional Supplying the category id will filter so only products which are descendants of the given category will show.
- use_non_vat_prices Optional This will provide all product/option prices without VAT (can also be used on updates to only supply the non vat price)
Example Request URLs
GET /products/:id.json
Retrieve data on a specific product.
Example Request URLs
POST /products.json
Batch insert or update products. If an “id” is supplied then it will try to update, otherwise it will insert. If it tries to update and cant find the original resource. then it will return an error.
Required Access Scopes
- store_content
URL Parameters
- identifier Optional Either id (default), code, or name. This allows you to specify what data your using to link your object to the ones our side. Example: code - → packet={"products":[{"code":”xyz”,"price":{"normal:"19.99"}}]} Example Request URLs POST POST Data Post data can be chunks from the GET resource. packet={"products":[{"id":31,"price":{"normal:"19.99"}}]}
POST /products/:id.json
Insert or Update a product. (To insert a single product just set the id as 0, you cannot force a specific new id) URL Parameters diffOnly Optional If this is set to true, it will return an object with differences between the passed product object and the current one. These would be the changes to be updated, which is useful to see if you just want to see if your apps copy of an object is up to date. Example: ?diffOnly=true Required Access Scopes store_content Example Request URLs POST POST Data Post data can be chunks from the GET resource. packet={"id":31,"price":{"normal:"19.99","special":"16.99"}}
DELETE /products.json
Batch delete products. URL Parameters ids Required A comma separated array of product id's Example: 2,45,18 identifier Optional Either id (default), code, or name. This allows you to specify what data your using to link your object to the ones our side. Required Access Scopes store_content Example Request URLs DELETE,45,18
DELETE /products/:id.json
Delete a specific product. Required Access Scopes store_content Example Request URLs DELETE