Template variables / tags / keys
Each template file has access to a common set of variables as well as custom ones for the current context. e.g. the product_info.html.twig file and the layouts/index.html.twig file both have access to global variables such as "company.name". However, the product_info.html.twig file will have access to specific product variables that the layouts/index.html.twig file doesn't.
A full list and auto-updated list of global variables is available on each site and can be found in Admin > Template Variables. In the same area, we also include instructions on how to look up available variables on a template through use of the "dump()" function.
Email Manager template tags
Emails sent via Email Manager have access to the following templates for the site:
{{ company_name }} <- Your site company name from Site Settings
{{ company_logo_image }} <- Site logo from Site Settings
{{ company_slogan }} <- Site slogan from Site Settings
{{ company_telephone }} <- Site company telephone number from Site Settings
{{ email_secret }} <- a secret key used per email sent, used with unsubscribe links etc.
As well as templates per customer the email is sent:
{{ first_name }}
{{ last_name }}
{{ membership_code }}
{{ email }}
{{ email_urlsafe }}
{{ id }}
{{ id_encoded }}
{{ subscribe_link }}
{{ user_date_joined }}
{{ user_town }}
{{ user_tel_no }}
{{ display_name }}
{{ email }}