You can now control what admins can do when logged in to the Admin Centre, at a program and even content level.

This is controlled by putting users into user groups, and then assigning which programs or content anyone in that user group can access.

You can control access at up to 3 levels:

  1. Program level, for example you allow a copywriter to access Page Manager, or an order progressor to access Order Manager
  2. Sub-program level, for example Add or Edit Pages
  3. Content level within that program, for example the copywriter can only manage a certain page of content 

Setting Up Access Control

  • Set up your user groups for access control
  • Add users to the relevant user group
  • Go to User Access Control and set up the access required at either a program level or sub-program level
  • User Group = select the relevant user group you wish to set access control for
  • Program / Page = select the program or sub-program you wish to set access to e.g. Page Manager (program level) or Edit Page (sub-program level)

Set content-level control as follows:

In admin, select the program you would normally use to administer the content and select the content itself. The URL will contain parameters such as section, edit_id, id. We use these as selectors for the content.

For example:

To allow someone to only change the Home page go to Page Manager > edit Home page

Note the URL structure in the browser bar contains an id selector e.g.

Set Program / Page = Edit Page

Set Optional URL Parameter = id from the dropdown

Set Value = 92

Click Add

Now, any admins in the specified user groups will only be able to edit the Home page content.

Continue to add as many access controls you want for each particular user group.

To help ensure your users are added to access controlled groups, enable this setting:
Admin > Site Settings > General > Registration > Require setting a group on new admins