Order History Tracking

When you select an order in Order Manager and scroll to the bottom, you can now view how the order progressed in Order History either by Status change (e.g. Added To Cart, Payment Received, Despatched) or All in which case you see every step taken with an order, from when it was created, items added to cart and so on. The All status could provide a useful basket analysis for you to see how visitors add products to the basket and where they abandon cart.

You can also add the order history to your invoice so users can see when status changes have happened, with the following html & template tags:


 <table width="100%">
    {% for history in invoice.order_history %}
        <td>{{ history.date }}</td>
        <td>{{ history.user }}</td>
        <td>{{ history.action }}</td>
        <td>{{ history.info }}</td>
    {% endfor %}


Sort Orders By Payment Date

It is useful when despatching a lot of orders to be able to quickly sort by when payment was received and despatch in that sequence. You can now do this in Order Manager in the Quick Search area by ticking the field Sort Orders By Payment Date.