Product Download Search App

Products often have instructions, specifications, warranties etc available as downloads and on large orders it can take time for a buyer to find them all on each product page. 

To help speed this up, our new Product Download Search is a page app you can add to a central download page, allowing visitors to go to one place to enter a product code and find the downloads for the product.
You can also copy a link to a result pages to forward to a customer.

To set this up:

Page Manager > Add a new doownload search page > Main Body Apps > Product Download Search
Also consider using the Email Tasks new.order event to email the instructions directly after a product has been purchased.

Search On Download Page

A search box will now appear automatically on your download page if you have more than 50 download files, which will make it easier for people to search and find specific downloads. 

This change is stored in the template system: file: html/apps/downloads_container.html.twig

Styling can be applied to list the downloads in column and table formats - refer to this snippet for details.

If you wish to alter it we advise you contact your designer unless you are familiar with the templating system.