There are 3 ways to generate reports:

  1. Build Custom Management Reports
    Set up your own management reports by selecting from available information sources and drag 'n' dropping them into the required sequence, with the ability to group and compare data for different time periods, e.g. year-on-year revenues grouped by month. There is also the ability to save your report as a template, off which to create other reports.

  2. Pre-built Reports
    Go to Reports to see all pre-built reports available to you.

  3. Prospect Manager CRM
    You have additional prospect/sales reports and performance dashboards available when using Prospect Manager. Read more in the Prospect Manager section.

1. Build Custom Management Reports

Access this via Reports > Report Builder

Build Your Custom Management Reports  

You add the data from the available information sources. The display and option fields applicable to that data will then be shown:

Remember to click the SAVE ACTIONS button when entering actions and comments.

When you click GENERATE REPORT it will create a PDF of the report including some statistics for comparison periods at the top of each information block. You can overtype text on each generated PDF if required but this only appears on that particular PDF which you can the print via the browser (CTRL-P). 

You can change and save the titles for each section block and the sequence of the data:

Once you've saved a template, you can also update it, clone it to a new report or delete it via Template Details:

2. Pre-built Reports

Available Reports include:

  • Order Information Report
  • Users Making Purchases / At Risk
    includes 'At risk' reporting to see which customers are going away based on a change in the length of time since their last pruchase compared to their annual average; a score up to 1 means they are still regular buyers, 1-2 they are slowing down, 2-4 they are going to sleep, over 4 they are at risk of being lost. 
    Customers risk factors can be set up and viewed in User Sales Classifications / User Manager
  • Top Pages
  • Top Products
  • Top Manufacturers / Brands & Categories
  • Revenue Sources
  • Customers / Users CSV
  • Order Profitability 
  • Orders Monthly Total
  • Orders Detail
  • Orders CSV (list of orders)
  • Orders Per User (list of orders for each user)
  • Orders Lines (orders with individual lines) 
  • Affiliates Order Summary
  • Individual Affiliates Orders
  • Users Awaiting Stock
  • Most Wished For Products
  • Products By Product Filter Tags
    • Includes ability to select on product tags and categories
    • updated to include filtering on Brand so you can see how newly added brands are performing
  • Single Product Performance
  • Products / Options Stock
  • Delivery Issues / Conflicts
  • Conversion Funnel
  • Top Performing Keywords


The following reports provide valuable information to help you manage your website by understanding what visitors are viewing, how this turns into revenue and which sources are driving it. In addition you can create and run custom reports using Report Builder and print these to PDF for internal circulation.

Order Information Report

You can select from a dropdown list of reports which are also available within Report Builder:

Top Pages Report

This displays the top 100 most viewed pages on your website with stats to show how engaged users are on each of the pages and the top 3 countries sending visitors (tip: hover over the flag to see the name and number of visitors). Use this information to optimise content and SEO for better results.

Average time on page is a good indicator to see which pages users are dwelling on. Lots of visitors but low time spent on page suggests an issue with content or pricing on a page. 

A lower Bounce rate is  better, typically aim for it to be below 40% (unless it is a specially created landing page with self-contained call-to action, in which case a high bounce rate does not matter as they have everything they need all on one page).

Page value is calculated by Google Analytics factored on the number of visitors and the number of purchases made or Goal values achieved. For CMS pages this will normally be zero unless you have set up goals and values.


View your top 500 most popular selling products with the facility to select by specific categories or brands. You can enter a date range which will then produce a comparison with the same period in the previous year so you can see the year-on-year revenue change plus identify which products are being viewed but not purchased so you can check for issues with pricing, descriptions, photos etc. A fantastic report to include in your monthly management analysis.

You can also see product status (live, special, draft, discontinued, restricted) and if your site has GMC connected, it shows the GMC status directly such as being disapproved warnings affecting it's saleability or if it's not found in GMC. 

Top Manufacturers (aka Brands) / Top Categories Report

View sales grouped by manufacturer / brand to see which brands are most popular, or by category for your most popular categories.

You can sort by revenue or quantity sold to see what's shipping the most.

Product Sales on-screen report
A valuable report for Product Managers and Product Development staff to to compare changes in sales and conversion ratesof specific groupings of products, such as a range of product IDs or product categories by date ranges

Product Data Quality Report

Target high value or converting products with data issues to improve their quality and boost sales.

First Added To Cart (FATC) report
Find which items are added to cart first before buying other items. Use this to set your pricing and promotion / loss leaders and advertising efforts.

Revenue Sources & Form Responses

Available for marketing clients to view the different sources driving revenues or replies to your forms, directing you to the detailed information on the Marketing Console.

Other Useful Ecommerce Related Reports

  • Affiliates Order Summary - check your affiliate channel activity and make payments
  • Users Awaiting Stock - order more stock to satisfy your orders
  • Most Wished For Products - see which products are popular and consider running promo's to convert these into orders
  • Product Lifecycle & Forecasting - analyse products from their launch date to understand where they are in their product lifecycle in terms of orders, revenues, profit and when stock will run out based on average number of sales per day