Featured and Special offer products can have their own independent ordering on the front end of the website so you can determine the exact position of your products.

This is controlled in Product Manager as described below.

Enabling drag and drop on the new "Featured Products" tab of Product Manager will enable you to change the specific featured products sort order.

Enabling drag and drop on the new "Special Products" tab of Product Manager will enable you to change the specific special offer products sort order.

Enabling drag and drop on the "Explore" tab of Product Manager will still change the original sort order.

On the front end, when products are displayed, the sorting will prioritise the featured products sort order, then the special products sort order and then the general sort order.

If you don't change the sort order on either of the two new pages, nothing will change for you as the system will still use the general sort order.

There is also a link to reset the featured and special sort ordering.