Prefer To Change Prices Via A Spreadsheet?

Instead of using Price Manager below, you can download a pricing spreadsheet to make changes then import it back in. This handles special prices and date ranges without needing to use Batch Products Processor.

Use the product price export / import program that shows products and their options underneath each other plus group prices in columns to make it quicker to change prices or add new group prices. Go to Export > Product Prices (New / column mode) and to Import > Product Prices (New / Column) in step 2.

The status for special offers is: special_offer

Note: Not for autoparts sites. Does not support quantity break price changes.

Price Manager

We advise creating a product price export file as a backup as explained above. If you have any issues you can then import it back in to revert prices. 

To update product prices in bulk go to Price Management > Price Manager.

You have various options to update your prices:

  • product / option prices
  • normal, special and group prices
  • specific products, categories or brands

You can select whether the uplift is run on the price including VAT or excluding VAT (for example, if you uplift the ex-VAT price it will auto-calculate a new price inc VAT for you based off it).

You can also update by an amount or a percentage.  

NB double check you have selected this option correctly before running your price update.

What If I Have A Problem & Want To Revert My Prices?

Import the backup file you took before starting via the Import System. Otherwise contact support and we can revert to a saved version of your prices taken immediately before you ran the update.