Product Manager lists all the categories and products you have set up in the store, and allows inline editing of products status, price, special price, cost and quantity on the listing screen to save time having to go in and out of each individual product to make changes. You can also see the quantity sold within the last 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and all time via a dropdown selector.
You can change the general sort order for how categories and products appear on your pages, with extra tabs for setting the sort order for Featured and Special Offer products such as in Featured Product and Special Offer sidebar apps, as well as individual Page Manager store content settings.
You can see what products have been deleted as they are stored in the recycle bin, from which you can reinstate them without having to set the product up all over again.
Next: Add Products
Once products are added: Edit Products
Displaying products on pages & using custom layouts: Page Manager > scroll to page templates