Unleashed is an inventory management system for manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors offering real-time inventory control and reporting which integrates into Xero accounting and Quickbooks (not Sage which is a competitor) plus Amazon.
REC+ acts as the master finished product store and feeds new products, customers and orders to Unleashed, receiving back stock level updates. Data is handled in the following way :
New products created in REC+ are added to Unleashed
User groups can be matched with Unleashed and group prices sent as Sales Tier Pricing
Important: There are only 10 price tiers in total in Unleashed so if you have more than 10 user group prices in REC+ it will not map across all price groups.Categories and manufacturers can be matched to those in Unleashed
Product updates in REC+ are sent to Unleashed
New users placing orders are created on Unleashed
All orders placed on the website are created in Unleashed (including Manual Orders)
User updates are not sent between REC+ and Unleashed (e.g. address updates)
Order updates are not sent between REC+ and Unleashed (e.g. returns/cancellations)
BOM items are not synchronised between REC+ and Unleashed (which is the main store for BOMs)
Next Steps
- Contact Unleashed in the first instance to explore if their software would be a good fit for your business
- Read more about Unleashed & Xero integration with your REC+ website to ensure the level of integration is what you require
- Contact us so we can provide integration advice and costs
- Create a joint project team for implementation tasks and timescales
- Follow the implementation guide document to implement this on a site