Licence Upgrade required for this feature,please contact us.

Product tickboxes can be displayed on product pages where you need customers to confirm certain requirements or gather other information you might need related to this purchase.

For example: "I understand fitting this part invalidates my existing car warranty."

Set these up in Product Tickbox Manager, including which user smart type it applies to e.g. Retail(ungrouped) customers and whether the tickboxes are compulsory to enable the product to be purchased. You can also drag n drop the display order.

When an order is taken the product tickboxes will appear in Order Manager so you have a record of the customer's choices. This will remain the case if you delete a tickbox in Product Tickbox Manager so you can retain historic records.

Template changes required to display tickboxes on product pages:

{% include "html/store/product_info/product_tickboxes.html.twig" %} needs adding in to the /html/store/product_info.html.twig file