Licence upgrade required: Contact your account manager for prices.

Sub dealers can be set up against a distributor (aka 'whole dealer' in the US) and place order requests on their distributor for review, who then either accepts the request and processes it as an order on the website under their own distributor account, or rejects the request. 


  • Distributors and sub dealers can either register on the site or be added by the website admin. The admin can then assign them to their respective distributor / sub dealer groups and assign sub dealers to their respective distributor.

  • Sub dealer places an order request on their distributor and selects the available delivery services, and email notifications are then sent out to both the sub dealer as an acknowledgement and the distributor to review and action the request.

    The order request is visible to the sub dealer when they are logged in via the Customer Account area > Previous Orders screen:

    Completed orders tab shows orders placed / approved by the distributor

    Cancelled / Returns tab shows orders rejected by the distributor

  • Distributor can view the sub dealer order requests in the Customer* Account area > Sub dealer orders link
    *May be renamed to Distributor Hub / Dealer Hub on some sites

    Clicking through shows the order request details and buttons to Approve or Cancel the order request.

  • Distributor either:

    Accepts the order request
    The order is copied to the Distributor's current cart (note: this will overwrite any other incomplete cart) with the sub dealer's shipping address substituted in, as well as the distributor's own pricing as this will typically have a deeper discount than the prices available to the sub dealer.


    Rejects the order request
    The request is flagged as rejected and appears under rejected orders in the Customer Area.

    The sub dealer will receive an email notification relevant to the action taken by the Distributor i.e. that the order has been accepted or rejected.

  • Distributor can then take the accepted order request through to the checkout process and place the order on the website under their account but to be shipped to the sub dealer delivery address they've entered (which could be to them or direct to their customer). 

    No email notification when a distributor places an order on the website
    There is purposefully no email to the sub dealer to say the distributor has placed an order on the website, since the distributor may add other items to the order when it is placed which could include items for other sub dealers.

Adding Sub Dealers & Set Up Process

  • Via User Group Manager, distributor group(s) ("whole dealers") are added to the site with their prices first, then sub dealer group(s) are added to the site with their prices.

  • Via User Manager: 
    • Set up individual distributors and assign them to the relevant distributor group; 
    • Set up individual sub dealers, assign them to the relevant sub dealer group and the distributor to whom they belong

  • Via Sub Dealer Manager configure the settings as required including: 
    • The names you want to use for the Sub Dealer and their Distributor (defaults are Sub Dealer & Whole Dealer)

    • Sub dealer and distributor groups that this process applies to.

    • Email notification settings and text
      (All these emails render using the /html/email/templates/sub_dealer.html.twig template file)

    • Sub dealer order thank you page text

  • In Order Statuses > add the following three new states and tick 'Enabled' but leave 'Show in Order Manager' unticked:

Name: Sub Dealer Placed
Select: sub_dealer_placed
Name: Sub Dealer Approved
Select: sub_dealer_approved

Name: Sub Dealer Rejected
Select: sub_dealer_rejected

  • In Payment Processor Manager > add a new sub dealer payment method:

    Name: Sub Dealer
    Processor File: includes/pp/
    Description: Sub dealer payments
    Only show this payment method if customer is in the following group: select Sub Dealer group(s)

    Following setup and testing and when ready to go live set:
    Status of this processor: On
    Mode: Live

    Go through other live payment processors and ensure you tick only those which are allowed to be shown >
    Only show this payment method if customer is in the following group(s)

    If none are selected then it will show all available live payment processors including the new Sub Dealers group.

  • Put through your own test orders to ensure this is working as expected.

Designer Notes
Email templates use the /html/email/templates/sub_dealer.html.twig template file

Processor File: includes/pp/