You can store, categorise and share documents on your website and set permissions to determine which visitors can download from your web site. By categorising downloads, you can display a selected category of downloads on a page to give you greater flexibility. You can also make downloads private and receive an email alert when a file has been downloaded. By setting both of these options, you will be able to see the user's registration details and followup with them whilst they are in the middle of reading your information!  

The maximum file size allowed is 8Mb. Important: Check your file size before attempting to upload first, or it may fail but only after it's attempted the upload! 

Files larger than 8Mb? You can now use an external URL link when adding a download to the site. This is useful if you have very big files which we cannot upload to the server, and will protect performance if they are viewed simultaneously by many people. It also means you can point to a PDF elsewhere on the web: for example, a google doc or PDF on another website.

To do this, instead of selecting the download file enter the full https URL in the field to its right. Complete and save the rest of the information.

Popular document formats supported on the site are shown below:

          PDF - Adobe

          DOC - Word

          IMG - Image ( jpg, png, gif )

          MP3 - Music

          PPT - Powerpoint

          XLS - Excel


Tip: You can also use the more advanced Form Builder system to distribute downloads as part of creating customer journeys or sales funnel on the site (separate licence applies).

1. Go to Manage Download Categories and set up any categories you require. 

2. Go to Page Manager and set up or edit the page on which you want the download or download category to appear in the Sliders & Page Apps section.

3. Go to Manage Downloads to upload your file (check it is less than 8Mb first!) and choose your settings. You can drag and drop downloads into your preferred order.

4. Go to Manage Download Permissions to set which users or user groups can access particular downloads or download categories if required. Alternatively, leave these settings blank to allow all downloads to be freely available.

5.  Click Submit

Download Privacy & Security

Downloads can be marked as private and secure in Download Manager so that the download is held in a private folder which is non-indexable by search engines and the download URL is obscured so it can't be guessed using the standard download URL format. Simply tick the Mark as private / secure field on the download record.

Search Box

A search box will now appear automatically on your download page if you have more than 50 download files, which will make it easier for people to search and find specific downloads. 

This change is stored in the template system: file: html/apps/downloads_container.html.twig

Styling can be applied to list the downloads in column and table formats - refer to this snippet for details.

If you wish to alter it we advise you contact your designer unless you are familiar with the templating system.