Setting up PayPal Encryption within your website
1. Login into the Admin end of your Website
2. In the Search area, type “PayPal”
3. Click on PayPal Encrypted Payments Manager link
4. Complete all fields ( These details need to be the same as the PayPal account you are linking up with )
5. Download your Public key certificate
6. Login to your PayPal account
7. Click on the Profile Sub-tab
8. Click on My Selling Preferences
9. Click Encrypted Payment Settings
10. Click add
11. Click browse and select the public certificate which is called “my-pubcert.pem”
12. When the public certificate has been successfully uploaded, it will appear on the next screen under “Your Public Certificates”.
13. Copy the Cert ID and Paste it into the Cert ID box on the admin end of your website ( Point 8 )
14. Click Download in the PayPal Public Certificate area in PayPal
15. Upload the PayPal Public Certificate via the “Browse” or “Choose File” option back on the Admin end of your website.
Activating the PayPal Encrypted Payments Processor in REC
1. In the search within the Admin of your site, type “Payment Processors Manager”
2. Click on Payment Processors Manager
3. Locate the PayPal Encrypted Processor
4. Click once on the Status column that reads “off”, at which point it will be turned on.
5. Locate the standard PayPal Processor, and this time we need to turn this to off, by clicking once on its active status.
PayPal Encryption has now been setup and activated
Please now activate the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) within your PayPal account as per the instructions below
PayPal IPN set up instructions for REC
1. Set up/Login to your PayPal account
2. On the My Account tab menu bar, click on Profile
3. Under My Selling Preferences, click on Instant Payment Notification and click update
4. Click on Choose IPN Settings if prompted
5. On the Edit Instant Payment Notification (IPN) settings screen, in the Notification URL field, enter your website address details as follows:
Substitute with your actual website domain
Ensure you select Receive IPN messages (Enabled)
Click Save
6. On the My Account tab menu bar, click on Profile
7. Under My Selling Preferences, click on Website Preferences and click update
8. On the Website Payment Preferences screen, set Auto Return to On
9. Set the Return URL to your website details as follows:
Substitute with your actual website domain
10. Set Payment Data Transfer (optional) to On
11. Set Encrypted Website Payments to Block non – encrypted
12. Set PayPal Account Optional to On
13. Set Contact Telephone Number to Off
14. Set PayPal Express Checkout Settings to No
15. Click Save.
PayPal preferences are now set up
Paypal Test Credit Cards can be found at: