When you move away, you are no longer able to use nor make a copy of our software, which is proprietary to us. This means you will need to use a new provider to create and host your website elsewhere, using their system at your own cost. We advise that you ensure the new system provides the required features you have made use of in our system.
For fully paid up accounts, we can provide clients wishing to migrate away from us with a copy of your core data in a spreadsheet together with your design files, upon request. Your new provider may be able to import this into their system. However, that is a matter solely between you and them and we will not enter into correspondence with 3rd parties.
You can export a lot of your website data within the Admin Centre yourself:
Page content - via Developer Export
Form data - via Developer Export
Product data and delivery services - via Export Manager
Customer names, addresses and email addresses - via Export Manager
Order details - via Export Manager
CRM Prospects - via Export Manager
Images - via File Manager individually or in bulk via a file transfer account (contact us to set this up for free)
If you prefer us to do this for you we will typically make these available within 5 working days of your request. There is an hourly charge at our normal rates if you ask us to do this.
You can also download your website as static HTML pages using free services like: http://www.httrack.com/
(it is unsupported by us).
Once we have provided this information to you we will irretrievably remove it from our main servers in compliance with data regulations. This means we will not be able to reinstate your website on our servers.
Log a request to remove your site here
We are not able to provide copies of emails to you once you end your service with us. If you are only using webmail, we recommend you forward your emails to another email address to retain a copy of them.
Changing Your DNS Settings
You have a duty to remove the IP address(es) assigned to your domain by us from your domain DNS settings within 48 hours of the cancellation of your service. Failure to do so will result in additional charges until you do so.